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Value Driven Education


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Value based education is a holistic approach to modern education. It encapsulates the wholesome nurturing and development of a child. Knowledge is wisdom, but without good moral values and ethics the child’s potential would be incomplete. If children at a young age get proper value-based education, society will be in good hands. Curriculum is the foundation for the children, and the values learnt by them are essential in shaping their future. Values cannot be preached but they can be inculcated by giving a good environment.

Individuals should be able to think in a diversified way, act  and react through different situations. If a thought of empathy comes to every individual, then the world will become a wonderful place. For a person who has everything, it is easy to lead the life, at times making them insensitive towards others’ needs. But for the person who is not able to afford even a comforting meal, struggling to live day-to-day life, life becomes a big challenge, leaving no scope for the person to think about values and others.

Being more empathetic in such situations would help the society to grow evenly. This can be introduced from kindergarten onwards by giving them situations to reflect on for self and others, fuelled with open communication.

The individuals should focus towards self-awareness about what is happening in and around their surroundings. This directs their thinking process and  gives them an opportunity to be more thoughtful and act upon the situation appropriately from various standpoints.

Respect is not merely taught; it must be both enforced and consistently reinforced. Children tend to imitate the behavior of adults, so we must be mindful of how we treat others. In today’s world, it is crucial to reinforce the importance of respecting people, belongings, cultures, castes, religions, food, and beliefs,sensitizing the observers.

Also, children from a young age should have a feeling of being content and appreciate what they have. Once the individual gets that feeling of contentment, they will stop comparing themselves with others. This will help them focus on their own growth and contribute to the society’s growth. 

These values can be taught to children through age appropriate activity-based learning such as role plays (appreciating the community helpers) , giving  scenarios and asking how to act upon (pretend play), skit, draw their emotions or write how they feel (narrating stories).

Inculcating good values and ethics along with the curriculum from a young age shapes the individual’s minds, and the society, making the world a better place for all.

Ms Shalini

English Faculty – EET

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